Sales App - Inventory Management System with POS, HRM & Accounting.
Sales App - It is a software that will help you to manage your sales, purchases, invoices, inventory, accounting and hrm. The system is suitable for both wholesale, retail buisness model and an ideal product for any Shop. This user friendly system is fully responsive and has many features - all in one app.
Sales Offers Lots of Awesome Features out of the box, such as :
- Easy POS and Dynamic dashboard
- Items , Adjustment , Transfer
- Quotations , Sales , Purchases
- Returns Customer & Supplier
- Users ,Customers, Supppliers
- Currency , Units , Category , Currency Conversions(Exchange)
- Payment Sales , Purchases
- Payments Report
- Overview & warehouse stock charts
- Purchases & Sales report
- Customers & suppliers reports
- Product quantity alerts
- Mail & SMS notification system addedd
- Accounts, Money Transfer, Balance Sheet, Accounts Statements
- HRM, Departments, Attendance, Payroll, Holiday
POS Printer Settings
Guide to Setting Up Receipt Printer to work with POS Small Receipts
To set up receipt printer do the following:
- 1) If printer is not already installed, follow manufacturer instructions to set up the printer and install the software.
- 2) Go to settings for your printer in your operating system.
Note: The next instructions are for Windows 10 printer settings.
- Go to your Start Menu and click the Settings icon.
- Go to Devices, then Printers and Scanners. This is your printer settings.
- Once in your printer settings, find the receipt printer. Click the printer icon.
- Next click Manage, then click Printer Properties.
- Click the Advanced Tab.
- Click Printing Defaults.
- In the lower right corner of the Printing Defaults screen, click Advanced
- In Advanced Options > Advanced Document Settings, under Paper/Output the Paper Size needs to be 72mm X 200mm. If this is different change it and click OK.
- The setup of the receipt printer is complete. It should properly print small receipts.
Note: These instructions are for Windows 10. If you are using an earlier version of Windows the
settings should be similar. If you are using another operating system, find your printer size, find where
to set the paper size and set it to 72mm x 200mm.
Print barcode/labels
Go to /app/products/barcode
1) Add Product
2) Set Quantity
3) Check if you want to print Product Name, Price or Promotional Price?
4) choose Paper size
5) click on Submit & Print
login by default
Email : :
you can change password for security purpose
if you want to reset your password, enter your email and click in reset button. Then check your email for a reset Link that will generate a new Password!
We have a gorgeous looking dashboard for our customer from where they get Revenue, Sale Return, Purchase Return and Profit information of today / last 7 days / current month / current year at a glance by one click.
Dynamic dashboard
- Today Sales/Revenue
- Today Income
- Today Expenses
- Today Profit
- This Week Sales/Revenue & Purchases
- Top Selling Products This Month
- Payment Sent & Received
- Top 5 Customers This Month
- Recent Sales
- Recent Transactions
to create a new product it's very easy
- Product Name
- Product Code
- Category
- Brand
- Barcode Symbology
- Product Cost
- Product Price
- Product Unit
- Sale Unit
- Purchase Unit
- Stock Alert
- Order Tax
- Tax Method
- Note
- you can add multiple product image
- you can add multiple variant of product
You can manage product list
- Edit Product
- View Details Product
- Delete Product
- Generate Product list in PDF
- Generate Product list in Excel
- Filter product by code , name , category , name
Import Products by csv
to create a new Transfer it's very easy
- From Warehouse
- To Warehouse
- Status
You can manage Transfer list
- Edit Transfer
- View Details Transfer
- Print Transfer
- Generate Transfer list in PDF
- Generate Transfer list in Excel
- Filter Transfer by Reference , To warehouse , From Warehouse , Status
to create a new Adjustment it's very easy
- Warehouse
- Select Product
You can manage Adjustment list
- Edit Adjustment
- View Details Adjustment
- Delete Adjustment
- Generate Adjustment list in PDF
- Generate Adjustment list in Excel
- Filter Adjustment by Dtae , Reference , warehouse
to create a new Expense it's very easy
- Date
- Warehouse
- Expense category
- Amount
- Details
You can manage Expense list
- Edit Expense
- Delete Expense
- Generate Expense list in PDF
- Generate Expense list in Excel
- Filter Expense by Dtae , Reference , warehouse , Expense category
to create a new quotation it's very easy
- Customer
- Warehouse
- Status
You can manage quotation list
- Edit quotation
- View Details quotation
- Delete quotation
- Change to Sale
- Send quotation on email
- Generate quotation list in PDF
- Generate quotation list in Excel
- Filter quotation by Date, Reference , Customer , Warehouse , Status
to create a new sale it's very easy
- Customer
- Warehouse
- Status
You can manage sale list
- Edit sale
- View Details sale
- Delete sale
- Change to Sale
- Send sale on email
- Generate sale list in PDF
- Generate sale list in Excel
- Filter sale by Date, Reference , Customer , Warehouse , Status , Payment status
Show Payment
Add Payment
Sales POS
Easy POS
- Barcode Scanner
- you can search for product by name or code
- Filter Product by Brand , Category
POS Payment
POS Invoice
to create a new purchase it's very easy
- Supplier
- Warehouse
- Status
You can manage purchase list
- Edit purchase
- View Details purchase
- Delete purchase
- Send purchase on email
- Generate purchase list in PDF
- Generate purchase list in Excel
- Filter purchase by Date, Reference , Supplier , Warehouse , Status , Payment status
Show Payment
Add Payment
Sale Returns
to create a new Sale Return it's very easy
- Customer
- Warehouse
- Status
You can manage Sale Return list
- Edit Sale Return
- View Details Sale Return
- Delete Sale Return
- Send Sale Return on email
- Generate Sale Return list in PDF
- Generate Sale Return list in Excel
- Filter Sale Return by Date, Reference , Customer , Warehouse , Status , Payment status
Show Payment
Purchase Returns
to create a new Purchase Return it's very easy
- Supplier
- Warehouse
- Status
You can manage Purchase Return list
- Edit Purchase Return
- View Details Purchase Return
- Delete Purchase Return
- Send Purchase Return on email
- Generate Purchase Return list in PDF
- Generate Purchase Return list in Excel
- Filter Purchase Return by Date, Reference , Supplier , Warehouse , Status , Payment status
Show Payment
to create a new Customer it's very easy
- Name
- Email
- Phone
- Country
- City
- Adress
You can manage customer list
- Edit customer
- Delete customer
- Generate customer list in PDF
- Generate customer list in Excel
- Search customer
- Filter customer by Name ,Code , phone , Email
to create a new Supplier it's very easy
- Name
- Email
- Phone
- Country
- City
- Adress
You can manage Supplier list
- Edit Supplier
- Delete Supplier
- Generate Supplier list in PDF
- Generate Supplier list in Excel
- Search Supplier
- Filter customer by Name ,Code , phone , Email
to create a new Account it's very easy
- Account Number
- Account Name
- Initial Balance
- Notes
You can manage Accounts list
- Edit Account
- Delete Account
- Generate Accounts list in PDF
- Generate Accounts list in Excel
- Search Accounts
- Filter Account by Name , Number
You can Transfer Money from One Account to Another
- From Account A
- To Account B
- Amount
Money Transfer List
- Edit Account
- Delete Account
- Generate Accounts list in PDF
- Generate Accounts list in Excel
- Search Accounts
- Filter Account by Account Name , Date, Reference Number, Amount
Show Balance Sheet
- Generate Accounts list in PDF
- Generate Accounts list in Excel
- Generate Accounts Print Outs
- Search Accounts
- Filter Account by Account Name , Date, Amount
create Account Statements
- Account
- Account Type
- Date
Account Statement
- Generate Accounts Statements list in PDF
- Generate Accounts Statements list in Excel
- Generate Accounts Statements Print Outs
- Search Accounts Statements
- Filter Account by Payment Reference , Date,Transaction Reference
to create a new Department it's very easy
- Name
You can manage Department list
- Edit Department
- Delete Department
- Generate Department list in PDF
- Generate Department list in Excel
- Search Department
to create a new Attendance it's very easy
- Employee
- Date
- Check In
- Check Out
- Note
You can manage Attendance list
- Delete Attendance
- Generate Attendance list in PDF
- Generate Attendance list in Excel
- Search Attendance
to create a new Payroll it's very easy
- Employee Name
- Account
- Amount
- Method
- Note
You can manage Payroll list
- Edit Payroll
- Delete Payroll
- Generate Payroll list in PDF
- Generate Payroll list in Excel
- Search Payroll
- Filter Payroll by Payroll Reference , Account,Employee, Amount, Method
to create a new Holiday it's very easy
- From Date
- To Date
- Note
You can manage Holiday list
- Edit Holiday
- Delete Holiday
- Generate Holiday list in PDF
- Generate Holiday list in Excel
- Search Holiday
- Filter Payroll by Employee , Date
System Setting
- Add / Edit Ware House
- Add / Edit Customer Group
- Add / Edit Brand
- Add / Edit Unit
- Add / Edit Currency
- Add / Edit Tax
- Edit User Profile
- Add / Edit HRM Settings
You can create generate various reports automatically by using Sales App
- Profit / Loss Report
- Best Seller Report
- Product Report
- Daily Sale Report
- Monthly Sale Report
- Daily Purchase Report
- Monthly Purchase Report
- Sale Report
- Payment Report
- Purchase Report
- Warehouse Stock Chart Report
- Product Quantity Alert Report
- User Report
- Customer Report
- Supplier Report
- Due Report